I am ashamed to say that I had never tried them… our food stylist loves them and while we were at the studio taking pictures for the cookbook she made us a batch. They were so simple to make. She simply cut them in half and drizzled with a little olive oil and salt. Then she roasted them in the oven until they started to caramelize. Soooo good.
Although it was a grueling 5 days of cooking every recipe be in the book, we had a great time shooting the pictures. Working with Laura Goble our food stylist and the KP Photo the photography studio was so much fun and they did such a nice job. I wanted to show you a few pictures that I took at the studio. .
This is Laura the stylist and Craig the photographer.
Here is a great behind the scenes shot of our lemon pie.
This is just one small portion of their prop room where we had to decide what plate we wanted to use for each recipe.