Plant Based Recipes
Your Family Will LOVE!

Vegan Breakfast Casserole Vegan Brunch

Do you need a delicious vegan breakfast casserole to take to a brunch?  I have been trying to make the perfect vegan brunch casserole for years and I finally got it! This casserole has an eggy look and texture and along with some vegan breakfast sausage this veggie packed high protein breakfast is great for easter brunch, Sabbath Breakfast or for an easy meal prep to eat all week! Back in the day, my mom’s breakfast casserole would be mostly sausage and some egg, but

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Stephanie Howard

I help people who would like to adopt a plant based vegan diet to achieve their goals. With a realistic plan, proven recipes and a sustainable mindset so that they and their families can be healthier, stronger, and happier.


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Meal Planning

Meal Planning

I just learned about Menu Plan Monday from I’m and Organizing Junkie and LOVE the idea!  Our new cookbook is centered around meal planning.  Especially

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