Plant Based RecipesYour Family Will LOVE!

Do you need a delicious vegan breakfast casserole to take to a brunch? I have been trying to make the perfect vegan brunch casserole for years and I finally got it! This casserole has an eggy look and texture and along with some vegan breakfast sausage this veggie packed high protein breakfast is great for easter brunch, Sabbath Breakfast or for an easy meal prep to eat all week! Back in the day, my mom’s breakfast casserole would be mostly sausage and some egg, but
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Recent Recipes

Meatless Monday – Spanish Rice
In keeping with our Taco Party theme over the past few weeks, I thought you might like to make a batch of Spanish rice to

The Taco Party Continues with Homemade Salsa and Chips
When we went to Iceland last year, our host was from Mexico. We were planning the meals for a youth group and I made the

It’s A Meatless Monday Taco Party!
Tacos are my birthday meal! They have been my favorite ever since I was a kid. So last year my birthday fell on supper club

Garbanzo Sandwich Spread
I love a good sandwich; so when I saw this Garbanzo Sandwich Spread on the Minimalist baker blog I had to give it a try!

Scrambled Tofu Seasoning Mix
I am a huge fan making the cooking process get done more quickly, so I like to make mixes ahead of time. One of my
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Vegan Pizza Combinations
Today we celebrated ridzoboy’s 15th birthday so I made homemade pizza. I used to work for Pantera’s Pizza in Missouri…many years ago, so I know

Kid’s LOVE Zucchini, No Really, They Do!
Monday we had our Fresh From the Garden Cooking School. We had a great turn out, despite the near tornado strength storm that went

The Secret to Any Good Vegetarian Recipe is…Chicken Style Seasnoning Recipe
Actually it is seasoning in general and that is the secret to all good recipes. But with vegetarian recipes it can be a little tricky.

Meatless Monday — Bar-B-Q “Chicken” Sandwich
Becoming Vegan is not as hard as you might think I think some people tend to complicate things. I am a straight forward kind of

It’s Berry Season!–Fruit and Coconut Bar Recipe
These quick and easy bars are absolutely delicious and stunning to look at. Your friends and family will be impressed and won’t even know that